My Girl

My girl is incredible, and I do mean to use that word to the exact definition it had when it became a word which is simply un believable. It’s a strange surreal thing, as I do know for a fact that she exists and is my girl, but at the same time I’m constantly checking myself and making sure this is all real. Seeing as we’re coming up on around six months (neither one of us can really pinpoint when we started dating, and neither one of us cares enough to really keep track of it so I do mean “around”) and I still have yet to find anything I think will be any sort of road bump for us. Frankly, I’m still in that “new relationship” love with her and I can’t even begin to imagine that ever going away.

Normally (or at least in my past experience) I feel excited for the future (with the given relationship) for a few months, then it shortly thereafter fades into more of a habitual relationship, one that just feels comfortable. This is usually the stage when you begin ripping in front of each other and discussing otherwise disgusting or embarassing things (such as how bad of a dump you have to take or having really bad runs the night before that kept you awake).

The thing that’s so different about this one is that she and I were already at that stage before we began dating. That awkwark stage that is inevitable with everyone you ever meet lasted maybe one day, then we were as comfortable with each other as a couple who’d been together for years, and we weren’t even dating!

We both share so many of the same views, goals and life aspirations that it’s amazing. We especially agree on so many things that I think are necessary for a succesful relationship that go against “ideals” that are so often wished for by little girls that fantasize about getting married before they can even legally drive. Most of my opinions I’ve developed myself or at least adopted to fit me, but most of them were developed through my past relationship experiences and my observations of others.

First and foremost, you and your partner should not complete each other, you need to be two complete individuals who complement each other in your relationship. That is if your significant other completes you then they are, in essence, your crutch. I’m not saying it can’t work, but if one of you has no arms and the other no legs, you will be at a severe disadvantage when compared to the couple that each have both. Sorry for the morbid example, but you get what I mean. If ever you need your partner to be there for you, you don’t want the person you need help from to be incomplete without you.

That’s the most important piece of advice I could give to any young person looking for a good relationship. The next one ties in with the incomplete theme, don’t marry someone you can’t live without, but someone you can live with. This one is obviously from my observation. Basically, you surely don’t want to base your existance on any relationship as we are all human. I don’t necessarily mean that we’ll all screw up, but we are all mortal and if you were in ever left with the thinking capacity of a tree by some accident or something, would you want the person making the decisions to be one that can’t hold it together without you? The other part of the concept is the living arrangements issue. Before you choose to marry someone, you better be committed enough and damn sure about it that you can live with them for the rest of your life and not hate them too much. That isn’t to say you should live with them to see if it’s a problem first; all couples that live together will have at least someproblems, but as a married couple, you should be able to get over that.

Enough preaching for this entry as I’ve clearly strayed from my main topic/purpose. Melissa and I do both agree on the two bolded statements very strongly. While it would be a great disappointment to me to break up with her, I’d still have my identity as Ben and I’d still be fine. I am complete without her, and she is complete without me, but we do both greatly complement each other I believe.

Frankly, I miss Melissa incredibly. I’ve never really had a lot of trouble with separation anxiety or anything in the past (ask my mom) but I really do genuinely miss her. Sure I’ve used the words “I miss you” in the past for various reasons and I don’t mean to down-play them right now, but I don’t think I’ve ever meant them in the sense that I’ve used them as of late. It’s strange to me, as I’m not used to it, and I really can’t explain it as once again my limited craftsmanship in the english language has failed me. I know I’ll be seeing her within two days, but that still doesn’t seem soon enough, and even then it won’t be for long enough.

My girl is the most amazing girl to me, and that’s how I think it should be. I wish everone else in the world could experience what I have as it’s truly something remarkable. I have yet to experience a more intoxicating, more enjoyable, more blissful feeling than laughing with the girl I love. I love my girl.

4 Responses to “My Girl”

  1. My big boy and his girl « my road Says:

    […] big boy and his girl “My girl is the most amazing girl to me, and that’s how I think it should be. I wish everone else in the […]

  2. conner Says:

    Hey Good job at the beginning, it was long, so I didn’t read it all. But who cares I gave you an A.

  3. Melissa Says:

    I am constantly amazed everyday at our relationship, but even more I am constantly amazed at your ability to make me laugh. Even if you fart on my face, no matter how gross it smells, I find myself cracking up at whatever you ate and end up adoring you even more then before the awful smell. I am in disbelief that you are mine and I know that you will teach me things that I could never learn/see on my own. You’ve taught me how to laugh harder then I ever have, you’ve taught me how to be more positive and you’ve taught me how love can allow for so much patience and I know you have this huge capacity to teach me more. I can’t wait to see you as an old man. You will be hilarious and I will still laugh at you and your old man antics, with your grey hair and goofy smile. I love your goofy smile. Maybe you will have a mustache like your dad. But aside from all the fun I will poke, I will still have an undeniable respect for you. I respect you for easy spirit and would never want to do anything to hold you back from embracing life, only hoping to give you the same room to find happiness as you do to me. I am proud of you, everyday I am proud of you. I am proud when you successfully make a friend cheese and when you crack a joke that gets everyone laughing. I am proud that you make your own happiness, aside from me, and that I am only part of it, but not the source of it. Thank you for letting me be a part of it. I also have limited English abilities but, above all else, I love your mind, your beliefs, your soul, your spirit, and you.
    – You still give me butterflies

  4. Ben Strickland Says:


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